IHazelcastClient Interface
Namespace: Hazelcast
Assembly: Hazelcast.Net.dll
Represents the Hazelcast client.
The Hazelcast client is the entry point to all interactions with an Hazelcast cluster. A client is created by a HazelcastClientFactory. Before it can be used, it needs to be opened via the @Hazelcast.IHazelcastClient.OpenAsync* method. After it has been used, it needs to be disposed in order to properly release its resources. For example:
var options = HazelcastOptions.Build();
var factory = new HazelcastClientFactory(options);
var client = factory.CreateClient();
await client.OpenAsync();
// ... use the client ...
await client.DisposeAsync();
See Hazelcast Client in the general documentation for more details.
public interface IHazelcastClient : IAsyncDisposable
Inherited Members
ClusterName | Gets the name of the cluster. |
Id | Gets the unique identifier of this client. |
IsActive | Whether the client is active. |
IsConnected | Whether the client is connected. |
Members | Gets a snapshot of the members this client is currently connected to. |
Name | Gets the name of this client. |
BeginTransactionAsync() | Begins a new transaction. |
BeginTransactionAsync(TransactionOptions) | Begins a new transaction. |
DestroyAsync(IDistributedObject) | Destroys a distributed object. |
GetListAsync<T>(String) | Gets an IHList<T> distributed object. |
GetMapAsync<TKey, TValue>(String) | Gets an IHMap<TKey, TValue> distributed object. |
GetMultiMapAsync<TKey, TValue>(String) | Gets an IHMultiMap<TKey, TValue> distributed object. |
GetQueueAsync<T>(String) | Gets an IHQueue<T> distributed object. |
GetReplicatedMapAsync<TKey, TValue>(String) | Gets an IHReplicatedMap<TKey, TValue> distributed object. |
GetRingBufferAsync<T>(String) | Gets an IHRingBuffer<TItem> distributed object. |
GetSetAsync<T>(String) | Gets an IHSet<T> distributed object. |
GetTopicAsync<T>(String) | Gets an IHTopic<T> distributed object. |
SubscribeAsync(Action<HazelcastClientEventHandlers>) | Subscribes to events. |
UnsubscribeAsync(Guid) | Unsubscribe from events. |