MembersUpdated(Action<IHazelcastClient, MembersUpdatedEventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when members are updated
MembersUpdated(Func<IHazelcastClient, MembersUpdatedEventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when a member is added.
ObjectCreated(Action<IHazelcastClient, DistributedObjectCreatedEventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when a distributed object is created.
ObjectCreated(Func<IHazelcastClient, DistributedObjectCreatedEventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when a distributed object is created.
ObjectDestroyed(Action<IHazelcastClient, DistributedObjectDestroyedEventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when a distributed object is destroyed.
ObjectDestroyed(Func<IHazelcastClient, DistributedObjectDestroyedEventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when a distributed object is destroyed.
PartitionLost(Action<IHazelcastClient, PartitionLostEventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when a partition is lost.
PartitionLost(Func<IHazelcastClient, PartitionLostEventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when a partition is lost.
PartitionsUpdated(Action<IHazelcastClient, EventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when partitions are updated.
PartitionsUpdated(Func<IHazelcastClient, EventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when partitions are updated.
StateChanged(Action<IHazelcastClient, StateChangedEventArgs>)
Adds a handler which runs when the client state changes.
StateChanged(Func<IHazelcastClient, StateChangedEventArgs, ValueTask>)
Adds a handler which runs when the client state changes.