Build the IGenericRecord.
SetArrayOfBoolean(string, bool[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfBoolean field to the record.
SetArrayOfDate(string, HLocalDate?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfDate field to the record.
SetArrayOfDecimal(string, HBigDecimal?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfDecimal field to the record.
SetArrayOfFloat32(string, float[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfFloat32 field to the record.
SetArrayOfFloat64(string, double[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfFloat64 field to the record.
SetArrayOfGenericRecord(string, IGenericRecord?[]?)
Adds an array of IGenericRecord objects field to the record.
SetArrayOfInt16(string, short[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfInt16 field to the record.
SetArrayOfInt32(string, int[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfInt32 field to the record.
SetArrayOfInt64(string, long[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfInt64 field to the record.
SetArrayOfInt8(string, sbyte[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfInt8 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableBoolean(string, bool?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableBoolean field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableFloat32(string, float?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableFloat32 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableFloat64(string, double?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableFloat64 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableInt16(string, short?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableInt16 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableInt32(string, int?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableInt32 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableInt64(string, long?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableInt64 field to the record.
SetArrayOfNullableInt8(string, sbyte?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfNullableInt8 field to the record.
SetArrayOfString(string, string?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfString field to the record.
SetArrayOfTime(string, HLocalTime?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfTime field to the record.
SetArrayOfTimeStamp(string, HLocalDateTime?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfTimeStamp field to the record.
SetArrayOfTimeStampWithTimeZone(string, HOffsetDateTime?[]?)
Adds a ArrayOfTimeStampWithTimeZone field to the record.
SetBoolean(string, bool)
Adds a Boolean field to the record.
SetDate(string, HLocalDate?)
Adds a Date field to the record.
SetDecimal(string, HBigDecimal?)
Adds a Decimal field to the record.
SetFloat32(string, float)
Adds a Float32 field to the record.
SetFloat64(string, double)
Adds a Float64 field to the record.
SetGenericRecord(string, IGenericRecord?)
Adds a IGenericRecord object field to the record.
SetInt16(string, short)
Adds a Int16 field to the record.
SetInt32(string, int)
Adds a Int32 field to the record.
SetInt64(string, long)
Adds a Int64 field to the record.
SetInt8(string, sbyte)
Adds a Int8 field to the record.
SetNullableBoolean(string, bool?)
Adds a NullableBoolean field to the record.
SetNullableFloat32(string, float?)
Adds a NullableFloat32 field to the record.
SetNullableFloat64(string, double?)
Adds a NullableFloat64 field to the record.
SetNullableInt16(string, short?)
Adds a NullableInt16 field to the record.
SetNullableInt32(string, int?)
Adds a NullableInt32 field to the record.
SetNullableInt64(string, long?)
Adds a NullableInt64 field to the record.
SetNullableInt8(string, sbyte?)
Adds a NullableInt8 field to the record.
SetString(string, string?)
Adds a String field to the record.
SetTime(string, HLocalTime?)
Adds a Time field to the record.
SetTimeStamp(string, HLocalDateTime?)
Adds a TimeStamp field to the record.
SetTimeStampWithTimeZone(string, HOffsetDateTime?)
Adds a TimeStampWithTimeZone field to the record.