Hazelcast C++ Client
Hazelcast C++ Client Library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Chazelcast::client::addressRepresents an address of a client or member in the cluster
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::ClassDefinitionBuilderClassDefinitionBuilder is used to build and register ClassDefinitions manually
 Chazelcast::client::config::client_aws_configThe client_aws_config contains the configuration for client to connect to nodes in aws environment
 Chazelcast::client::client_configHazelcast_client configuration class
 Chazelcast::client::config::client_connection_strategy_configClient connection strategy configuration is used for setting custom strategies and configuring strategy parameters
 Chazelcast::client::config::client_network_configContains configuration parameters for client network related behaviour
 Chazelcast::client::client_propertiesClient Properties is an internal class
 Chazelcast::client::client_propertyA client property is a configuration for hazelcast client
 Chazelcast::client::config::cloud_configHazelcast.cloud configuration to let the client connect the cluster via hazelcast.cloud
 Chazelcast::client::clusterHazelcast cluster interface
 Chazelcast::client::config::config_pattern_matcherThe ConfigPatternMatcher provides a strategy to match an item name to a configuration pattern
 Chazelcast::client::config::connection_retry_configConnection Retry Config is controls the period among the retries and when should a client gave up retrying
 Chazelcast::cp::cp_subsystemCP Subsystem is a component of Hazelcast that builds a strongly consistent layer for a set of distributed data structures
 Chazelcast::client::distributed_objectBase class for all distributed objects
 Chazelcast::client::endpointEndpoint represents a peer in the cluster
 Chazelcast::client::entry_eventMap Entry event
 Chazelcast::client::entry_listenerMap entry listener to get notified when a map entry is added, removed, updated, evicted, or expired
 Chazelcast::client::entry_view< K, V >EntryView represents a readonly view of a map entry
 Chazelcast::client::config::eviction_configConfiguration for eviction
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Chazelcast::client::exception::exception_builder< EXCEPTIONCLASS >
 Chazelcast::client::execution_callback< V >Execution_callback allows to asynchronously get notified when the execution is completed, either successfully or with error
 Chazelcast::client::iexecutor_service::executor_promise< T >
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::FieldDefinitionClassDefinition defines a class schema for portable classes
 Cstd::hash< hazelcast::client::address >
 Cstd::hash< hazelcast::client::config::eviction_strategy_type >
 Cstd::hash< hazelcast::client::hazelcast_json_value >
 Cstd::hash< hazelcast::client::member >
 Cboost::hash< hazelcast::cp::raft_group_id >
 Cstd::hash< hazelcast::cp::raft_group_id >
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< std::string, std::string > >
 Chazelcast::client::hazelcast_json_valueHazelcast_json_value is a wrapper for Json formatted strings
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::hz_serializer< T >
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::identified_data_serializerClasses derived from this class should implement the following static methods: static int32_t getClassId() noexcept; static int32_t getFactoryId() noexcept; static int32_t writeData(const T &object, object_data_output &out); static T readData(object_data_input &in);
 Chazelcast::client::config::index_configConfiguration of an index
 Chazelcast::client::initial_membership_eventA event that is sent when a MembershipListener is registered
 Chazelcast::client::item_listenerItem listener for IQueue, ISet and IList
 Chazelcast::client::lifecycle_eventEvent to be fired when lifecycle states are changed
 Chazelcast::client::lifecycle_listenerListener object for listening lifecycle events of hazelcast instance
 Chazelcast::client::topic::listenerListen to messages from an ITopic
 Chazelcast::client::load_balancerLoad_balancer allows you to send operations to one of a number of endpoints(Members)
 Chazelcast::client::map_eventMap events common contract
 Chazelcast::client::memberHz_cluster member class
 Chazelcast::client::member_selectorsA utility class to get \member_selector instances
 Chazelcast::client::membership_eventMembership event fired when a new member is added to the cluster and/or when a member leaves the cluster
 Chazelcast::client::membership_listenerCluster membership listener
 Chazelcast::client::config::near_cache_configContains the configuration for a Near Cache
 Chazelcast::client::partition_aware_markerThis marker interface is needed to make template matching work during serialisation
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::portable_readerProvides a mean of reading portable fields from a binary in form of java primitives arrays of java primitives , nested portable fields and array of portable fields
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::portable_serializerClasses derived from this class should implement the following static methods: static int32_t getClassId() noexcept; static int32_t getFactoryId() noexcept; static int32_t write_portable(const T &object, portable_writer &out); static T read_portable(portable_reader &in);
 Chazelcast::client::serialization::portable_writerProvides a mean of writing portable fields to a binary in form of java primitives arrays of java primitives , nested portable fields and array of portable fields
 Chazelcast::client::query::predicateThis is a marker class for Predicate classes
 Chazelcast::cp::raft_proxy_factoryClient-side Raft-based proxy implementation of atomic reference
 Chazelcast::client::topic::reliable_listenerListen to messages from a reliable_topic
 Chazelcast::client::serialization_configSerializationConfig is used to
 Chazelcast::client::socket_interceptorAn interface that provides the ability to intercept the creation of sockets
 Chazelcast::client::config::socket_optionsTCP Socket options
 Chazelcast::client::config::ssl_configContains configuration parameters for ssl related behaviour
 Chazelcast::client::transaction_contextProvides a context to do transactional operations; so beginning/committing transactions, but also retrieving transactional data-structures like the TransactionalMap
 Chazelcast::client::transaction_optionsContains the configuration for a Hazelcast transaction
 Chazelcast::client::typed_dataTyped_data class is a wrapper class for the serialized binary data