AttributeOptions | |
BTreeIndexOptions | |
BitmapIndexOptions | Configures indexing options for Bitmap indexes. |
Capacity | Represents a memory capacity. |
ClusterVersion | Represents the version of the cluster. |
DataPersistenceOptions | Represents options for a map data persistence. |
DataPersistenceOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
DiskTierOptions | Represents the disk-tier configuration of the tiered-store. |
DiskTierOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
DistributedObjectInfo | Describes a distributed object. |
DurationOptions | Represents the options for a duration. |
EntryListenerOptions | Represents the configuration for an entry listener. |
EventJournalOptions | Represents options for a map event journal. |
EventJournalOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
EvictionOptions | Represents options for a map eviction. |
EvictionOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
HotRestartOptions | Represents a hot restart configuration. |
HotRestartOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
IndexOptions | Configuration of an index. |
ListenerOptions | Represents the configuration for a listener. |
MapOptions | Represents options for map. |
MapOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
MapPartitionLostListenerOptions | |
MapStoreOptions | Represents options for a map store. |
MapStoreOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
MemberInfo | Represents a member of a cluster. |
MemberVersion | Represents the version of a cluster member. |
MemoryTierOptions | Represents options of a tiered-store. |
MemoryTierOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
MemoryUnitExtensions | |
MergePolicyOptions | |
MergePolicyOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
MerkleTreeOptions | Represents the configuration of a merkle tree. |
MerkleTreeOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
PartitioningAttributeOptions | |
PartitioningStrategyOptions | Represents the configuration of the partitioning strategy. |
PredicateOptions | Represents a predicate configuration. |
PublisherAddress | The class provides information about publisher address of the topic message. |
QueryCacheOptions | Represents configuration for the query cache. |
QueryCacheOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
ReliableTopicEventHandlerOptions | |
ReliableTopicOptions | Options for one IHReliableTopic<T>. |
RingbufferOptions | Represents the configuration of a ringbuffer. |
RingbufferOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
RingbufferStoreOptions | Represents the configuration of a ringbuffer store. |
TieredStoreOptions | Represents the configuration for a tiered store. |
TieredStoreOptions.Defaults | Provides the default options values. |
TimedExpiryPolicyFactoryOptions | |
WanReplicationRef | Represents the configuration for a WAN target replication reference. |
HBigDecimal | Represents an Hazelcast |
HLocalDate | Represents an Hazelcast |
HLocalDateTime | Represents an Hazelcast SQL |
HLocalTime | Represents an Hazelcast |
HOffsetDateTime | Represents an Hazelcast |
MemberInfoState | Represents the state of a member of a cluster. |
IMapEntryStats<TKey, TValue> | Represents statistics for an entry in an IHMap<TKey, TValue>. |
INamedOptions | Defines named options. |
CacheDeserializedValues | Defines the caching control of de-serialized values. |
CollectionItemEventTypes | Specifies the collection item event types. |
EvictionStrategyType | Represents the eviction strategy types. |
ExpiryPolicyType | Defines the expiry policy type. |
IndexType | Type of the index. |
LoadMode | Specifies the initial load mode. |
MapEventTypes | Specifies the map and entries event types. |
MaxSizePolicy | Represents the maximum size policy. |
MemoryUnit | Represents a memory size unit. |
MetadataPolicy | Defines how hazelcast processes objects of supported types to create additional metadata about them. |
TimeUnit | Defines a time unit. |
TopicOverloadPolicy | Defines the overload policy for a topic when there is no place to store a message. |
UniqueKeyTransformation | Defines transformations which can be applied to UniqueKey values. |