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Config class to configure multiple client configs to be used by single client instance. The client will try to connect them in given order. When the connected cluster fails or the client blacklisted from the cluster via the Management Center, the client will search for alternative clusters with given configs.


  • ClientFailoverConfig




Optional clientConfigs

clientConfigs: ClientConfig[]

List of client configs for alternative clusters to be used by the client.

The client configurations must be exactly the same except the following configuration options:

  • clusterName
  • customCredentials
  • security
  • network.clusterMembers
  • network.ssl
  • network.hazelcastCloud

Optional tryCount

tryCount: number

Count of attempts to connect to a cluster. For each alternative cluster, the client will try to connect to the cluster respecting related connectionRetry.

When the client can not connect a cluster, it will try to connect tryCount times going over the alternative client configs in a round-robin fashion. This is triggered at the start and also when the client disconnects from the cluster and can not connect back to it by exhausting attempts described in connectionRetry config. In that case, the client will continue from where it is left off in clientConfigs list, and try the next one again in round-robin tryCount times.

For example, if two alternative clusters are given in the clientConfigs list and the tryCount is set as 4, the maximum number of subsequent connection attempts done by the client is 4 x 2 = 8.

By default, set to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

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