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User-defined serialization config for the client.


  • SerializationConfig



Optional customSerializers

customSerializers: Serializer<CustomSerializable>[]

Defines Custom serializers.

Optional dataSerializableFactories

dataSerializableFactories: {}

Defines IdentifiedDataSerializableFactory serialization factories.

Type declaration

  • [id: number]: IdentifiedDataSerializableFactory

Optional defaultNumberType

defaultNumberType: string

Defines how the number type is represented on the cluster side. By default, it is serialized as double. This option can be one of the following case-insensitive strings.

  • byte(8-bit signed integer)
  • short(16-bit signed integer)
  • integer(32-bit signed integer)
  • float(single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point)
  • double(double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point)
  • long(64-bit integer from long.js library)


  • If you are using byte, for array of numbers you need to use Buffer instead of regular arrays.
  • If you are using long, you need to use Long objects for array of numbers or a single number.

Optional globalSerializer

globalSerializer: Serializer<any>

Defines the global serializer. This serializer is registered as a fallback serializer to handle all other objects if a serializer cannot be located for them.

Optional isBigEndian

isBigEndian: boolean

Defines if big-endian is used as the byte order for the serialization. By default, set to true.

Optional jsonStringDeserializationPolicy

jsonStringDeserializationPolicy: JsonStringDeserializationPolicy

Defines JSON deserialization policy. By default, set to eager.

Optional portableFactories

portableFactories: {}

Defines Portable serialization factories.

Type declaration

Optional portableVersion

portableVersion: number

Defines portable version number. By default, set to 0.

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