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SQL Service of the client. You can use this service to execute SQL queries.

Enabling SQL Service

To use this service, the Jet engine must be enabled on the members and the hazelcast-sql module must be in the classpath of the members. If you are using the CLI, Docker image, or distributions to start Hazelcast members, then you don't need to do anything, as the above preconditions are already satisfied for such members.

However, if you are using Hazelcast members in the embedded mode, or receiving errors saying that The Jet engine is disabled or Cannot execute SQL query because "hazelcast-sql" module is not in the classpath. while executing queries, enable the Jet engine following one of the instructions pointed out in the error message, or add the hazelcast-sql module to your member's classpath.


Hazelcast is currently able to execute distributed SQL queries using the following connectors:

SQL statements are not atomic. INSERT/SINK can fail and commit part of the data.


Before you can access any object using SQL, a mapping has to be created. See the documentation for the CREATE MAPPING command.

When a query is executed, an SqlResult is returned. The returned result is an async iterable of SqlRowType. It can also be iterated using SqlResult.next method. The result should be closed at the end to release server resources. Fetching the last page closes the result. The code snippet below demonstrates a typical usage pattern:

const client = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
const result = await client.getSql().execute('SELECT * FROM persons');
for await (const row of result) {
await result.close();
await client.shutdown();


  • SqlService




  • Executes SQL and returns an SqlResult. Converts passed SQL string and parameter values into an SqlStatement object and invokes executeStatement.


    IllegalArgumentError if arguments are not valid


    HazelcastSqlException in case of an execution error


    • sql: string

      SQL string. SQL string placeholder character is question mark(?)

    • Optional params: any[]

      Parameter list. The parameter count must be equal to number of placeholders in the SQL string

    • Optional options: SqlStatementOptions

      Options that are affecting how the query is executed

    Returns Promise<SqlResult>


  • executeStatement(sql: SqlStatement): Promise<SqlResult>

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